Saturday 16 June 2012


The kitty is loafed out on the floor, sun is streaming in broken beams through the window and Delerium is playing. It is a joyous and peaceful Saturday morning which is something that doesn't happen very often anymore.
    That's ok. Why is that ok? In the calamity that is life, it generally has it's own way of straightening everything out. There have been some massive changes in the last month, but, much like I tell my beloved step-daughter, we deal with everything by taking from that ever evasive well of strength that lives somewhere inside us. It's hard to find sometimes, somedays I myself dig fairly deep but I am never disappointed.
     I wonder how many of us remember when we were more adaptable. We could take change a little more gracefully and with a sense of wisdom. On that note, I wonder now how long it takes some of us to really accept what's going on and make the right choices about certain situations. I tend to go into any kind of change kicking and screaming, especially when it's something I just don't want to accept.
     Here's the beauty of all of it. We don't have to figure it all out by ourselves. We have people around us to usher us through. Even if we don't want the advice or don't want to accept the change, we can rest well-assured that there is love, caring and acceptance.
     At the end of the day, change is vital to life. Without change, we don't grow, learn or make anything else easier on ourselves. It is truly a necessary evil for we are made to never stop gaining knowledge or building on ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically.

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